On the topic of the most amazing party ever!

We just got some pictures from Chris, well, got in that they're on the web now. This is where you should go to see the pictures. It was pretty much the best talent show I've ever seen. The first act was from 59 Taylor Hill Road. It had some ingenious elements: the olders playing the youngers and the youngers playing us for starters. The costume elements and the props were spot on. Also, the story clearly pulled from real life experience and was funny while not making fun. All in all, an excellent theatrical performance. Pictures include evidence of improv flute from Kiwi, drumming from Chad, fiddle playing and song leading from Efan, a song in Chinese from Christine, lovely banjo playing from Joe (not Chad), a magic trick from Devon, and of course the kicker for me, my favorite song in pretty much the entire universe from Eli, jordan and Emmy. Other performances included for the first time ever before a large audience, the mosquito, cricket and snail by Zoe and Rye, an awesome improv clog by Lea complete with orange slice eating, two dance moments from Raey, weird mouth music from Carol, piano playing downstairs by Claudia, a poem recitation from Tom, and of course Emmy steering us smoothly through the evening as our cruise director. All of us singing together with Efan leading the way was nothing short of amazing. I know full well that all of the performances don't come close to representing the amount of talent there was in the room, so don't be misled by this post. Alex didn't bring his accordion, Goodwin didn't show us how to tie any special knots, and no one gave extensive powerpoint presentations on their favorite thing to do when no one is looking. I am eternally grateful to jordan for having this genius idea and roping Raey, Hannah and Emmy in to make it happen. Golly. It was just amazing. If you weren't there, I can truly say that you were missed.