Fun outfit or hat

In the packing list, we listed a fun outfit or hat. We've pretty much decided that dinner will be a dress up in said fun outfit or hat affair. So bring one and wear it. Bring two if you want. The dance is yet another time when you could have a costume change if you so desired. If you don't have one - costume, hat or fun outfit - don't worry too much. It's just the best time to use the polyester and gold lame (I can't find the accent on this thing) that's been sitting around in your closet.

Reply Cards

So, apparently the line that says "your names and kids' ages" wasn't totally clear. Someone who shall remain nameless forgot to put their name on their reply card. This person should tell us who they are if they don't want us to be surprised when they show up. They're apparently in Vermont right now - postmarked White River Junction - and are vegetarian and staying at F&W and eating all of the meals. This is all good data, but please, those of you who haven't sent your cards back yet, put your names on 'em. please please please.

Quaker-style Wedding Ceremonies

Our wedding ceremony will be in the style of Quakers, which is very different from a traditional wedding. Learn more about what to expect by reading the following passage taken from a Wikipedia article at

A traditional wedding ceremony in a Friends meeting is similar to any other Meeting for Worship, and therefore often very different from the experience expected by non-Friends. The attendees gather for silent worship, often with the couple sitting in front of the meeting (this depends on the layout of that particular meeting house).

Out of the silence the couple will exchange what the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting describes as "promises" [1] with each other; since traditionally Friends have no clergy, there is no one person to “marry” them. Instead they declare themselves married before God and those gathered.

They then sign the wedding certificate which, for the purposes of the meeting, means they are now married. All those present are invited to share messages with the gathered meeting as they feel led (as in any other Meeting for Worship, see main article on the Society of Friends). At the close of worship all of those present at the meeting are asked to sign the wedding certificate as witnesses that the wedding took place and acknowledging their presence at the service. Often these certificates are hung prominently in the homes of the couple throughout their married lives as a reminder of the vows they took, and the people they shared that moment of their lives with.

This means anyone may share stories, songs, readings, etc. as they feel moved. Feel free to plan ahead, but trust your heart to know when or if you should speak. Unless the weather is uncooperative, we will be having the ceremony outside.

Ride Sharing

We understand that F&W is far away from anything. Due to that fact, we would like to help you get there however we can.

If you can offer a ride, or need a ride, read or post here by clicking on "comments" in blue at the end of this post. We will try to coordinate rides offline as well if you send us pertinent information. We will delete this information after the wedding for privacy purposes. If there are enough people who need a ride at a specific time, we will also help coordinate renting an appropriately sized vehicle.

For example: Offering ride from Hartford airport to F&W. Space for three. Departing to F&W Sept 23 at 10am. Returning to Hartford Sept 24th arriving by 3pm. - Josephine Quiddler phone number/email goes here.

accomodations near farm & wilderness

Housing and meals are provided at Farm & Wilderness. If you need special accomodations - fancier, flush toilets, a double bed, etc. here is a list of accomodations within a pretty small radius of camp. There are also places to stay in Woodstock that we did not include due to the distance. We have never stayed at any of these places and do not know what they're like. Sorry. All phone numbers are in the 802 area code.


The Andrie Rose Inn – 13 Pleasant St, Ludlow, 228-4846, 14 miles

Combes Family Inn 953 E Lake Rd, Ludlow, 228-8799, 9 miles

Corners Inn – Rt. 4, Bridgewater Corners, 672-9968, 7.8 miles

Cortina Inn – Rt. 4, Killington, 773-3333, 15 miles

Crisanver House – Wiley Hill Rd, Cuttingsville, 492-3589, 6 miles

Echo Lake Inn 2 Dublin Rd, Ludlow, 228-8602, 8 miles

Governor’s Inn – 86 Main St, Ludlow, 228-8830, 16 miles

Grey Bonnett Inn – Rt. 100, Killington, 775-2537, 11 miles

Hawk Mountain Inn – Rt. 100, Plymouth, 672-3811, 6 miles

Maple Crest Farm – Cuttingsville, 492-3367, 10 miles

October Country Inn – Rt. 4, Bridgewater Corners, 672-3412, 8 miles

Okemo Inn 61 Locust Hill Rd, Ludlow, 228-8834

Saltash Inn – Rt. 100A, Plymouth, 672-3748, 4 miles

Sherburne Valley Inn – Rt. 4, Killington, 422-9888, 6 miles


Cedarbrook Motor Inn
– Rt. 100, West Bridgewater, 422-9666, 2 miles

Farmbrook Motel – Rt. 100A, Plymouth, 672-3621, 7mi

Val Roc Motel – Rt. 4, Killington, 422-3881, 3 miles